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EX Guess The Number



Guess the Number V1


  • Hidde a Number (from 0 to 10);
  • The app need to have a way to the user insert the attemp;
  • After the user submits, an output should appear, if the hidden number is greater or less;
  • If the player hits the number, the number of attempts and an option to play again should appear;


Guess the Number V2


  • Difficulty selection:
    • Easy: 0 → 10
    • Normal: 0 → 100
    • Hard: 0 → 1000
    • Other: The user can choose the minimum and maximum value
  • During the game there should be an option to forfeit the game
  • During the game there should be a button for "clues”
  • During the game, the list of attempts by the user should appear

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